Offering unique experiences for all kids to step outside & inquisitively explore our wild and urban spaces through experiential education, free play, micro-adventures, service learning & grand life changing journeys.

Kids gardening activity where the kids donate what they grow as an act of community service.

We hold this to be true; Kids who build service into their lives at a young age will grow up to be a force for good. Serving others heightens personal wellbeing, combats anxiety & depression and develops collaboration & leadership skills.


A kid jumping at a nature based day camp.

We strongly believe fostering a sense of adventure in young ones will greatly enhance their quality of life. When we step out of our comfort zones, explore new places and experience new things we feel more awake, alive & free.


A girl playing in nature at a nature based summer camp.

We love to play. Play has profoundly positive benefits for growing brains and bodies. The modern world is a busy place & kids simply need more time to unplug & play outside in the fresh air.
